Now available:

It's Only


How to
Lead the Way When
The Way is Changing

Managing uncertainty in business in 2020 and beyond is YOUR job as a leader.

How do you process and engage effectively in the ambiguity of crisis and chaos? How do you make decisions when you don't have enough information? How do you inspire the best work from your teams, reports or colleagues? Relax, It's Only Uncertainty is used in global MBA programs and by aspiring executives who want to excel and advance...amidst ever-present uncertainty. 

About the authors

Randall P. White, PhD, is founding partner of Executive Development Group and an international thought leader in the field of executive coaching and leadership development. He is Co-head of Leadership at HEC Paris (and Doha) and the TRIUM Global Executive MBA program in London. He also teaches with Duke Corporate Education (Durham and London).

Dr. White has long served in leadership roles with the American Psychological Association. Currently, he is Chair-elect of the APA Council Leadership Team and a member of the APA Board of Directors. Expanded bio here.

Dr. Philip Hodgson (retired) worked full time at Ashridge Business School for 21 years where he was co-founder of the Executive Coaching Service and the innovative Top Leader Journey program. Clients ranged from small family businesses to global multinationals and from international charities to branches of the military.

About the publisher

The new e-book version of Relax, It's Only Uncertainty is published by Dr. White's RPW Executive Development Inc. The firm has relied on the book for executive MBA programs at global business schools, as well as recommended reading in executive coaching engagements, for two decades.

The Executive Development Group LLC is a partnership of consulting psychologists providing executive education, leadership development and coaching to businesses, NGOs and business schools around the globe. We provide executive coaching, curriculum, workshops and feedback to individuals and groups. We are also on the faculties of select business colleges.

Speaking, articles and consultations

Co-author Randall P. White (Randy) is available for keynote speeches, workshops, leadership development engagements and executive coaching.

His partner colleagues, Drs. Lily Kelly-Radford and Sandra L. Shullman, are also available.

Contact them here.

The Relax, It's Only Uncertainty e-book is published by:
RWP Executive Development Inc.