Executive Development Group Publications
Books by our partners
Books by Executive Development Group partners are available for purchase from Amazon.com or our Greensboro office. In addition, most can be obtained by your local bookstore and public library.
Relax, It's Only Uncertainty
by Philip Hodgson and Randall P. White
ebook Updated edition (May 2020)
Authors Guild; ISBN: 978-0-578-67234-2
Breaking the Glass Ceiling : Can Women Reach the Top of America's Largest Corporations?
by Ann M. Morrison, Randall P. White and Ellen Van Velsor.
Paperback Updated edition (May 1994)
Perseus Pr; ISBN: 0201627027
The Perils of Accentuating the Positive
“Strengths-based Development in Perspective,”
by Randall P. White, Edited by R.B. Kaiser. (2009) Oklahoma City: Hogan Press
The Future of Leadership: Riding the Corporate Rapids into the 21st Century
by Randall P. White, Philip Hodgson and Stuart Crainer.
Hardcover (October 1996)
Financial Times Prentice Hall; ISBN: 0273622064
Four Essential Ways That Coaching Can Help Executives: A Practical Guide to the Ways That Outside Consultants Can Help Managers
by Robert Witherspoon, Randall P. White.
Paperback (March 1997)
Center for Creative Leadership; ISBN: 1882197267
Articles by our partners
Executive Development Group partners publish and contribute to articles in trade publications and journals on a regular basis. Subjects include the study of assessments, dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty, global leadership, coaching and feedback, the role of psychology in business improvement, international business dynamics and executive education in general. A partial listing follows.
Sandy Shullman writing in Training Industry on “Letting Go”
Often, we hear the suggestion to “let it go.” What does “letting it go” mean, exactly? And when is it better to let it go than to continue to engage?
Sandy Shullman quoted in Business of Business article about strategic thinking
Writer Claire Turrell interviews Sandy for her article in Business of Business. “The more a leader pursues a doggedly singular focus, the less likely they may be to see other things occurring…
Randy White: The Call of Not Knowing–How Uncertainty is Still the Test of Leadership
It’s about knowing how to be a conduit for solutions—and creating a safe space to listen to ideas and try the best one’s out—searching for viable solutions in an uncertain world.
Randy White with Jeremy Ghez: The Kids Are Alright.
Channel this toward ways to keep the organization competitive and vibrant while also doing a better job of retaining new talent with meaningful work.
Randy White: Uncertainty. Learning’s Final Frontier.
From Orson Welles’s “divine accidents” to Zuckerberg’s unpredictable social media beast, uncertainty is an opportunity.
Randy White, co-author: “Pass Through the Failure Gateway”
Organizations should discover three ways to make failure acceptable in their culture.
Randy White: “Answering the Call for Authentic Leadership”
Is authentic leadership real? Or is it a buzzword for impatient American executives?
Sandy Shullman and Lily Kelly-Radford: “Global Leaders Embrace Difference.”
A prescription for organizations seeking to “become global” in Chief Learning Officer magazine.
Randy White: “Strength is Not Enough”
Challenging the strengths-based leadership approach in Chief Learning Officer magazine.
Sandy Shullman on 360 assessments and sexual harassment
Talent Management magazine: Sandra L. Shullman quoted in article saying 360s can work to resolve harassment, but caution is advise.
EDG partners Shullman and Kelly-Radford teach in Qatar’s first EMBA program …Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris (HEC Paris) launched Qatar’s first executive MBA program, including a module on executive leadership. Learning executives were excited…
India: Modern Meritocracy?
Randy White contributes to “Talent Management” cover feature on learning from India…
Acceptance of uncertainty as an indicator of effective leadership Randy White and Sandy Shullman call for more study of ambiguity in Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, Vol 62(2), Jun 2010, 94-104.
CLO Magazine: It’s okay to be uncertain
Executive Development Group principals White and Shullman are featured authors on “Ambiguity Leadership” in CLO, April 2010.
Randy White quoted in The Globe & Mail
In recent years, we have been urged to focus more on building upon our strengths, and less on improving weaknesses..
CLO: Challenging the premise of the strengths movement
Executive Development Group principal Randy White discusses “delusional leaders” that may result from the “play to your strengths” movement in Chief Learning Officer magazine
Sandra Shullman on “all inclusive Internet”
Many baby boomers are also looking to work longer, either full or part-time, for either economic reasons or just to be active and feel useful…
Randy White weighs in on Monster.com
Executive Development Group principal Randy White offers his perspective on custom training for global leadership development.