Learning from failure helpful in mastering uncertainty

Frank Kalman writes in this month’s edition of Chief Learning Officer about learning from failure: …Aside from the psychological distaste associated with human failure, one of the larger barriers keeping more corporations from embracing it as an engine for...

Uncertain about uncertainty

We’re finishing up a busy year, as harsher than usual winter weather in the Northern Hemisphere demonstrates that even the Internet can’t dig business out of a snow bank. Nature is still a significant contributor to the ambiguity we face as executives and leaders....

CLO Magazine: It’s okay to be uncertain

Drs. Randall P White and Sandra L Shullman are featured authors in the April issue of CLO Magazine. Writing on Ambiguity Leadership, Randy and Sandy advance the idea that an aptitude for ambiguity and the ability to be comfortable amidst uncertainty are traits that...

Is pursuing ambiguity a competitive business strategy?

We have been studying the affects that ambiguity has on leaders for two decades. The uncertainty that we all feel in ambiguous situations appears to be both a challenge and an opportunity. The ability to fearlessly grapple with ambiguity might be a trait that...